The Collection

W H I T E L I G H T®

Gardenlights® Whitelight

Hydrangea pan. WHITELIGHT® 

bears real white flowers. 

The flowers start off with a lime color, after that they color to cream and the final color is white.

In the autumn, the flowers turn into a light pink color. 

Gardenlights® Whitelight flower stage 1
Gardenlights® Whitelight flower stage 1
Gardenlights® Whitelight flower stage 2
Gardenlights® Whitelight flower stage 2
Gardenlights® Whitelight flower stage 3
Gardenlights® Whitelight flower stage 3

P I N K L I G H T®


Gardenlights® Pinklight

Hydrangea pan. PINKLIGHT® 

bears pink flowers. 

The flowers start off with a lime/cream color, that slowly turn to pink during the season.

In the autumn the color of the flowers will fade a little bit to lighter pink.

Gardenlights® Pinklight flower stage 1
Gardenlights® Pinklight flower stage 1
Gardenlights® Pinklight flower stage 2
Gardenlights® Pinklight flower stage 2
Gardenlights® Pinklight flower stage 3
Gardenlights® Pinklight flower stage 3

R E D L I G H T®


Gardenlights® Redlight

Hydrangea pan. REDLIGHT® 

bears dark red flowers.

The flowers start off with a lime color, that will color to a light pink first and then slowly to red. The final color is a spectacularly dark red color till the end of the season.


Gardenlights® Redlight flower stage 1
Gardenlights® Redlight flower stage 1
Gardenlights® Redlight flower stage 2
Gardenlights® Redlight flower stage 2
Gardenlights® Redlight flower stage 3
Gardenlights® Redlight flower stage 3

G R E E N L I G H T®

Gardenlights® Greenlight

Hydrangea pan. GREENLIGHT®
bears real green flowers.
The flowers start off with a green color, after that they color with a touch of red at the edge.
In the autumn, the flowers turn into a light pink color.


L E M O N L I G H T®

Gardenlights® Lemonlight

Hydrangea pan. LEMONLIGHT®
bears real hard flowers.
The flowers start off with a créme color, after that they color off-white during the season.
In the autumn, the flowers will dry, the flowers are still decorative.

X S - L I G H T®

Gardenlights® XS-Light

Hydrangea pan. XS-LIGHT®
bears real cute flowers.
The flowers start off with a créme color, after that they color pink during the season.
In the autumn, the flowers will dry, the flowers are still decorative.


Buy your Gardenlight® here!

L O N G   F L O W E R I N G   P E R I O D

I D E A L   F O R   B A L C O N Y   &   T E R R A C E

